SPEAKING THE SAME LANGUAGE: A Toolkit for Strengthening Patient-Centered Addiction Care in the United States, ASAM, 11/9/2021
ASAM just released a Toolkit "Speaking the Same Language." Toolkit Offers Strategies and Tools for Strengthening Patient-Centered Addiction Care in the United States.
The new toolkit, authored by Manatt Health Strategies in collaboration with the American Society of Addiction Medicine and Well Being Trust, provides ways for ensuring consistent use of patient-centered addiction care across providers, payers, and patients.
This is "a new resource designed to assist states looking to establish a strong, consistent framework, such as The ASAM Criteria®, for patient-centered, evidence-based addiction care. By helping providers, payers, and patients “speak the same language” when it comes to addiction care, this first-of-its-kind toolkit will facilitate continuity and consistency in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment delivery and coverage."