
Drug “Abuse” Statistics for the US The front page of features the most noteworthy drug abuse data, including overdose deaths, demographics, mental health, drug abuse treatment programs, and the cost of the War on Drugs.

To aid addiction treatment, lawmakers tell DEA to back off buprenorphine enforcement

The agency has Suboxone on its Suspicious Order Reporting System

The fentanyl funnel: How narcos sneak deadly chemicals through the U.S.

Reuters:   A secretive route that drug traffickers use to transport fentanyl-making chemicals from China to Mexico runs straight through the United States. It’s called the “master carton” smuggling scheme, and it all starts with one little box.

Know Your Rights about Medication for Addiction Treatment!

This brochure explains the Federal laws that prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities and how they protect people receiving Medication Assisted Treatment for opioid addiction (also known as “MAT”).  MAT includes a medication (e.g., methadone, buprenorphine, oral naltrexone) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for opioid addiction detoxification or maintenance treatment.  

Prenatal Action for Taking Healthy Steps (PATHS) Toolkit

The   PATHS toolkit   offers evidence-based educational resources about the use of medication to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) during and after pregnancy. Culturally and linguistically appropriate versions are also available for  American Indians & Alaska Natives  and Spanish speakers (coming soon) . Resources include videos, discussion guides, fact sheets, flyers, posters, and social media messaging.  

Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Mortality Among Older Adults With Health-Related or Socioeconomic Risk Factors

This cohort study in 135,103 older drinkers found that even low-risk drinking was associated with higher mortality among older adults with health-related or socioeconomic risk factors. Wine preference and drinking only with meals were associated with attenuating the excess mortality associated with alcohol consumption. Ortolá R ,  Sotos-Prieto M ,  García-Esquinas E ,  Galán I ,  Rodríguez-Artalejo F. Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Mortality Among Older Adults With Health-Related or Socioeconomic Risk Factors.  JAMA Netw Open.  2024;7(8):e2424495. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.24495